Upgrade a central model with linked files to a newer version | Revit Tips #23

The easiest way to upgrade a Revit central model together with its linked files is by using the e-Transmit tool, a built-in Revit function. The primary purpose of the e-Transmit tool is to archive models and prepare them for sharing, usually via file-sharing services. However, it can also be used to easily upgrade central Revit models with links to a higher version of Revit. While you can complete this task manually, it is a much more complex process, requiring you to open and upgrade each file individually, relink the upgraded links, and deal with a time-consuming, error-prone workflow – especially for large projects.

  1. Prepare your files. Ensure all models to be upgraded (central and linked) are accessible and saved in the same older version of Revit.
  2. Open e-Transmit. Close all open models in Revit. Then, go to the “Add-ins” tab and select “Transmit a Model” under e-Transmit.
  3. Set up the destination folder. Choose a folder where the upgraded files will be saved. e-Transmit will automatically create a subfolder for the files.
  4. Configure options.
    • Select file types: Check the “Linked Revit models” and “CAD links” boxes, as well as any other relevant boxes based on your project needs.
    • Upgrade files: Check the “Cleanup” box to upgrade files to the current Revit version.
    • Preserve worksets: Ensure the “Disable worksets” box is unchecked to retain worksets for collaborative projects.
  5. Transmit the models. Click “Transmit Model” to upgrade the files. Revit will process the central model and all linked files together.
  6. Verify the upgrade. Open the upgraded central model in the newer Revit version. In the “Transmitted Model” dialog box, select the option “Save this model as a central model in its current location”. Check if the links are intact and ensure they are using relative paths.


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